动漫 里番
何建强,男,1977年10月生,甘肃省天水市东说念主,教学,博士生导师。2000年6月本科毕业于吉林大学机械制造及自动化专科,2003年6月硕士毕业于中国农业机械化科学贪图院机械联想表面专科,2008年08月获好意思国佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)地皮和水资源工程(Land and Water Resources Engineering)专科博士学位。2009年01月至2010年12月在法国国度农业贪图院(L'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, INRA)从事博士后贪图。 现任中国水利学会后生科技使命委员会第五届委员会委员、中国农业工程学会第四届农业水土工程专科委员会委员,国度当然科学基金神气评审内行、《Ecological Modeling》、《Irrigation and Drainage》、《Irrigation Science》、《Computers and Electronics in Agriculture》、《Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment》、《农业工程学报》、《农业机械学报》、《中国农业科学》等杂志审稿东说念主。
1、农业生态系统模拟(Agricultural Systems Simulation)
2、农业节水和水资源高效诓骗(Technologies of Water Saving and High-efficiency Utilization)
1、主抓国度当然科学基金神气《基于CERES-Wheat模子的冬小麦动态水分出产函数贪图》(51209176 ;2013-2015);
2、主抓高档学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新西宾类)(20120204120019 ;2013-2015)
4、博士时辰参与好意思国环境保护署(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)神气:Sweet corn(Zea mays L.)Best Management Practices (BMP) demonstration and development on commercial farms(EPA319 Project);
5、博士后时辰参与英国生物工夫与科学贪图会-法国国度农业贪图院和洽神气:Identification of traits and genetic markers to reduce the nitrogen requirement and improve the grain protein concentration of winter wheat (BBSEC-INRA Research Project IN-BB-06);
6、参与国度高工夫贪图发展策动(863 策动):作物生境经过模拟与动态优化有谋略工夫(2013AA102904 ;2013-2017),第二参与东说念主(仅次于课题崇拜东说念主)
连年来,参编专著2部。在《Transactions of the ASABE》、《Agricultural Systems》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《Agricultural Water Management》、《European Journal of Agronomy》、《农业工程学报》、《农业机械学报》、《中国农业科学》、《应用生态学报》等国表里中枢期刊发表论文30余篇,其中SCI和EI收录20余篇。
1. He, J., Dukes, M.D., Jones, J.W., Graham, W.D. and Judge, J., 2009. Applying GLUE for Estimating CERES-Maize Genetic and Soil Parameters for Sweet Corn Production. Transactions of the ASABE, 52(6): 1907-1921.
2. He, J., Jones, J.W., Graham, W.D. and Dukes, M.D., 2010. Influence of likelihood function choice for estimating crop model parameters using the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation method. Agricultural Systems, 103(5): 256-264.
3. He, J., Stratonovitch, P., Allard, V., Semenov, M.A., Martre, P., 2010. Global Sensitivity Analysis of the Process-Based Wheat Simulation Model SiriusQuality1 Identifies Key Genotypic Parameters and Unravels Parameters Interactions. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(6), 7676-7677.
4. He动漫 里番, J., Dukes, M.D., Hochmuth, G.J., Jones, J.W. and Graham, W.D., 2011. Evaluation of Sweet Corn Yield and Nitrogen Leaching with CERES-Maize Considering Input Parameter Uncertainties. Transactions of the ASABE, 54(4): 1257-1268.
5. He, J., Le Gouis, J., Stratonovitch, P., Allard, V., Gaju, O., Heumez, E., Orford, S., Griffiths, S., Snape, J.W., Foulkes, M.J., Semenov, M.A. and Martre, P., 2012. Simulation of environmental and genotypic variations of final leaf number and anthesis date for wheat. European Journal of Agronomy, 42: 22-33.
6. He, J., M.D. Dukes, G. Hochmuth, J.W. Jones, and W.D. Graham, 2012. Identifying irrigation and nitrogen best management practices for sweet corn production on sandy soils using CERES-Maize model. Agricultural Water Management, 109: 61-70.
7. He, J., H. Cai, and J. Bai, 2013. Irrigation Scheduling Based on CERES-Wheat Model for Spring Wheat Production in the Minqin Oasis in Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 128: 19-31.
8. Martre, P., He, J., Gouis, J.L., Allard, V., Gaku, O., Orford, S., Heumez, H., Griffiths, S., Snape, J.W., Foulkes, M.J., Semenov, M. 2011. A system approach to wheat phenology: simulation of environmental and genetic variations of leaf number and anthesis date. Aspects of Applied Biology No. 107. Systems Approaches to Crop Improvement. Systems Approaches to Crop Improvement, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK, 14-15 April 2011, pp. 9-18.
9. Yan, H., G. Bai, J. He, Y. Li, 2010. Model of droplet dynamics and evaporation for sprinkler irrigation. Biosystems Engineering. 106(4): 440-447.
10. Yan, H.J., Bai, G., He, J.Q. and Lin, G., 2011. Influence of droplet kinetic energy flux density from fixed spray-plate sprinklers on soil infiltration, runoff and sediment yield. Biosystems Engineering, 110(2): 213-221.
11. Chen, G., Jia, P. and He, J., 2013. Effects of geometric parameters on static load capacity of a double-row four-point contact ball bearing. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 27(4): 1053-1061.
12. Bai, J., Zhao, F., He, J., Wang, C., Chang, H., Zhang, J. and Wang, D., 2014. GGE biplot analysis of genetic variations of 26 potato genotypes in semi-arid regions of Northwest China. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science: 1-9.
咬一口兔娘 裸舞13. Xu, Y., Chen, Y., He, J. and Yan, H., 2014. Detection of Cavitation in a Venturi Injector With a Combined Method of Strain Gauges and Numerical Simulation. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 136(8): 081302-081302.
14. Ji, J., Cai, H., He, J., Wang, H., 2014. Performance evaluation of CERES-Wheat model in Guanzhong Plain of Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 144, 1-10.
15. Wang, Z., Zhao, X., Wu, P., He, J., Chen, X., Gao, Y. and Cao, X., 2015. Radiation interception and utilization by wheat/maize strip intercropping systems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 204: 58-66.
16. Zhang, Y., Wang, H., Liu, S., Lei, Q., Liu, J., He, J., Zhai, L., Ren, T. and Liu, H., 2015. Identifying critical nitrogen application rate for maize yield and nitrate leaching in a Haplic Luvisol soil using the DNDC model. Science of The Total Environment, 514(0): 388-398.
17. Martre+, P., He+, J., Le Gouis, J. and Semenov, M.A., 2015. In silico system analysis of physiological traits determining grain yield and protein concentration for wheat as influenced by climate and crop management. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(12): 3581-3598. (+These authors contributed equally to the article)
18. He, J., J. W. Jones, W. D. Graham, and M. D. Dukes, 2015. Scenario Dependencies of Results of Global Sensitivity Analysis: A Case Study on CERES-Maize Model under Sweet Corn Production. Transaction of the ASABE. (In review)
19. 金宏智, 何建强. 大型喷灌机在我国的允洽性[J]. 农业机械. 2002, (11): 32-35.
20. 金宏智, 何建强, 钱一超. 变量工夫在精确灌溉上的应用[J].节水灌溉. 2003, (1): 1-3.
21. 严舟师, 金宏智, 李军叶, 何建强. 圆形和平移式喷灌机塔架车的纵向清楚性[J]. 农业机械学报. 2005, 36(11): 42-45.
22. 李亚杰, 石强, 何建强, 张俊莲, 白江平, 王蒂.马铃薯滋长模子贪图深刻过火应用[J]. 干旱地区农业贪图. 2014, 32(2): 126-136.
23. 许景辉, 何建强*, 马孝义.泥土 FDR 探头电场模拟及测量敏锐区域分析[J]. 农机化贪图. 2014, (12): 74-78.
24. 要世瑾, 杜光源, 牟红梅, 栾翔宇, 马鸿雁, 刘嘉男, 刘梦达, 皆笑, 何建强*. 基于核磁共振工夫检测小麦植株水区分布和变化端正[J]. 农业工程学报, 2014, 30(24): 177-186.
25. 姚宁, 宋利兵, 刘健, 冯浩, 吴淑芳, 何建强*, 2015. 不同滋长阶段水分要挟对旱区冬小麦滋长发育和产量的影响. 中国农业科学, 48(12): 2379-2389.
26. 姚宁, 周元刚, 宋利兵, 刘健, 李毅, 吴淑芳, 冯浩, 何建强*, 2015. 不同水分要挟条款下DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模子的调参与考据. 农业工程学报, 31(12): 138-150.
27. 宋利兵, 姚宁, 冯浩, 白江平, 吴淑芳, 何建强*, 2015. 不同生养阶段受旱对旱区夏玉米滋长发育和产量的影响. 玉米科学, 委用待刊.
28. 曹振凯, 李毅, 冯浩, 赵英, 何建强, 2015. 不同遮盖条款下冬小麦作物扫数考试贪图. 干旱地区农业贪图, 委用待刊.
29. 要世瑾, 牟红梅, 杜光源, 冯浩, 白江平, 何建强*, 2015. 小麦种子吸胀萌生经过的核磁共振检测. 农业机械学报, 46(11): 266-274.
30. 宋利兵, 陈上, 姚宁, 冯浩, 张体彬, 何建强*, 2015. 基于GLUE和PEST的CERES-Maize模子调参与考据贪图. 农业机械学报, 46(11): 95-111.
31. 要世瑾, 牟红梅, 杜光源, 白江平, 何建强*, 2016. 核磁共振工夫在泥土-植物-大气认知体贪图中的应用. 应用生态学报, 委用待刊.
32. 丁晋利, 武接受, 杨永辉, 何建强, 冯浩, 2016. 诓骗RZWQM2模子模拟耕种形状转动对泥土蓄水保墒效果的影响. 农业机械学报. 委用待刊.
1. Jones, J.W., He, J., Boote, K.J., Wilkens, P., Porter, C.H., Hu, Z., 2011. Estimating DSSAT Cropping System Cultivar-Specific Parameters Using Bayesian Techniques. In: L.R. Ahuja and L. Ma (eds.), Methods of Introducing System Models into Agricultural Research. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling 2. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI USA. ISBN: 978-0-89118-180-4
2. Jones, J.W., J. Naab, D. Fatondji, K. Dzotsi, S. Adiku, J. He, 2012. Uncertainties in simulating crop performance in degraded soils and low input production systems. In: J. Kihara, D. Fatondji, J.W. Jones, G. Hoogenboom, R. Tabo, and A. Bationo (Eds.), Improving Soil Fertility Recommendations in Africa using the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT). Springer-Verlag New York, LLC. ISBN 978-94-007-2959-9
1. He, J. and Duke, M. D., 2006. Uncertainty analysis of the CERES-Maize Model with the Monte Carlo Method. 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Paper Number: 063027, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Portland, Oregon, USA, 9-12 July, 2006
2. He, J. and Dukes, M. D., 2006. BMP Development with the CERES-Maize Model for Sweet Corn Production in North Florida. 2006 FASABE Annual Conference and Trade Show, Paper Number: 06011, Florida Section ASABE, Jupiter, Florida, USA, 1-3 June, 2006
3. He, J. and Jin, H., 2009. Reducing risks of desertification through sustainable crop and soil carbon management with DSSAT model. International Conference of Science and Technology on Desertification Control (ICSTDC), Wulanhaote, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, August 14-16, 2009
4. He, J., Stratonovitch, P., Allard, V., Semenov, M.A., Martre, P., 2010. Global Sensitivity Analysis of the Process-Based Wheat Simulation Model SiriusQuality1 Identifies Key Genotypic Parameters and Unravels Parameters Interactions. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(6), 7676-7677.
5. He, J., Martre, P., Semenov, M., 2010. Calibration of SiriusQuality1 Model using Genetic Algorithms. AGRO2010, the Scientific International Week around Agronomy, Montpellier, France, August 29 to September 03, 2010.